Sunday, September 01, 2002

Back by popular demand! Blog it! BLOG IT!

It's been far too long since I've pushed out an update and for that I'm truly sorry. It's been difficult, of late, to find a spare moment to keep my dear journal in the know, but the time has not been ill-spent. I've been purposely neglecting to mention any specific job news, because, well... who knows who might be logging on... but, suffice it to say that the past week has been very encouraging on several levels, in terms of steady work and/or gainful employment. And that's for both Carey and myself. We're not out of the woods, but we've begun to notice the sun peeking through the branches.

And: (yet another reason for the delay in blogging) this is the first blog that I type from my brand new Dell. ***Alert... feel free to skip the rest of this paragraph. It's terribly boring and your opinion of me will no doubt be lessened by the end of it.*** 80 GB of memory, 512 MB of RAM, CD writer, USB ports... the whole 9. My big dillemma was in finding a way to transfer all my old files onto the new computer. Then, like Saul on Damascus Road, it struck me: take out the old hard drive and install it in the new computer as an auxilliary hard drive. Huzzah! This way, I can access any old file I want and have a little extra space besides. Brilliant. BRILLIANT! I can honestly say that this is easily the lovliest machine I've ever used, this fine little Dell. I should write them a nice thank you. (Or at least mail in my payments).

There's a long, frustrating, and somewhat comical story about how the computer was finally delivered... ending in a face-to-face confrontation with our abusive mail-carrier (who's name, by the by, is Darryl). Maybe I'll tell it one day if I'm ultra-bored or nostalgic. Needless to say, though, the file is still open on The Case of the Mangling Mailman.

So, last weekend Carey and I decided that we're sick to death of being destitute. Though we've little more than pennies to rub together, it'd been far too long since we'd gone out like real people and spent money we don't have (also like real people). "Right," we said, "screw it. It's been over 3 months since we've gone out to dinner and a movie. We're doing it. It's something that human beings do and, broke or not, we're human beings." We ended up going to a wonderful sushi place and had what I think we agreed was the best sushi either of us has ever sampled to date. It'd been far too long since I'd partaken, and... well, I can't recommend it enough (sadly, I can't recommend it at all because the name escapes me). Afterward, we bopped on over to the local cinema and saw the latest M. Night Shyamalan masterpiece, Signs. Excellent film. Highly recommended. Carey went so far as to put it up with her personal top 10. While I'm not sure that Shyamalan outdoes his other features with this one, it certainly shouldn't be missed.

Most importantly, though, I walked away remembering exactly what it was that I love about film. It's a wonderful thing when that happens. There's been a story rolling around in my head for... well, for about 4-1/2 years now. I decided it's time to write it down. It's a story that's been quietly asking to be told over and over, so I'm finally putting it out of its misery. So far, the working title is Lurid.

What if someone took away everything that's important to you?

What if someone took away everything you love?

What if someone left you with nothing?

What if you found yourself in a position
where you could do anything you wanted to this person
without fear of consequence?

What would you do?

Needless to say, I'm very excited. It should be an intriguing tale.

Let's see... what else. OH, yes. This weekend, Carey and I were visited by two terrific friends of ours from Columbus: Scott and Emily Sutton. Scott and I went to high school together, but we never managed to hit it off until about 9 months ago and in that time he and his wife have endeared themselves to us as some of the finest friends we've got. It was terribly hard to leave them when we moved out here and it was a fresh breath of familiar air when they arrived at our door yesterday afternoon and spent the day and evening with us (the Suttons are vacationing in San Diego and surrounding parts for their 1-year anniversary). Hhh... I do miss home.

It's a been a good week, really: new computer. Promising job prospects. Freelance opportunities still springing up. The birth of a new screenplay. A visit from the Suttons. Oh, and this afternoon I took it upon myself to fix our DVD player. (It hasn't been working for the past 2 months) It was easy, in fact: I just popped the top off and spun the disk around by hand a couple of times and now it seems to be right as rain (by the way, don't try this at home... I think I somehow got lucky). All in all, several issues have sort of been fixing themselves. The entropy pendullum appears to have started to swing the other way. I do hope it lasts.


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