Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Joe... Millionaire... Joe MILLIONaire... JOE MILLIONAIRE.

CURSE YOU, JOE MILLIONAIRE!!! You and all your offspring!

Yeah, it's true, Carey and I were sucked into watching the final episode of the latest steaming-turd reality-TV craze, Joe Millionaire. What was so astounding to me wasn't the over-the-top premise of a $50,000,000 televised lie... it wasn't the bullsh*t "here's a cool million for being attractive" twist ending... it wasn't even Fox's desparate manipulation of the story to make it appear tender and inspiring... no, the most astounding thing about the whole ordeal was the experience of looking over at my wife when it was all said and done and hearing her say, "aw, that's so sweet."


I wanted to personally smack each of those women, especially the syrupy-sweet "gosh, I don't care about the money, I just want to help the elderly" Zora, who ended up winning the big prize. The only one of the bunch that managed to hang onto the faintest whisper of dignity, in my humble book, was the red-headed chick who's name escapes me... midway through the 'competition', she said to Joe, (Jer's paraphrase)... "look, I got into this because I thought a $50M beau might be fun, but this whole premise is starting to get a little gag-inducing and, besides, no amount of cash is worth having to spend another moment with a dumbass like you." At least she had the foresight to say it before he dumped her. Hooray, red-headed chick!

Next up for Fox: America votes on who gets married to whom.

Tarry not, Lord Jesus.

It's not so much that I've given up on the scripts... it's that, and I really mean this here, there's been no time. We're past the halfway point in the month of February, and I've yet to finish (I've started several) a one this month. No more excuses, Bear. Get to WORK.

Speaking of scripts, a little point of Hollywood irony: last night, Carey and I rented The Good Girl, starring Jennifer "See? I really am an actress" Anniston. Not a bad film. At one point, a central character (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) tells everyone his name is Holden, of Holden Caulfield fame. It's not his real name, but he identifies so strongly with "A Catcher in the Rye" that he creates a different identity for himself in order to deal with his problems.

It's a swell little idea, I suppose, except for the fact that it's an idea I wrote into one of my screenplays about two years ago... even down to the name Holden. Now, I'm not crying conspiracy or anything like that... I'm sure it's just a very amazing coincidence... but, sheesh. I was actually kind of proud of that script . There went that.


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