Tuesday, July 01, 2003

"We get it, Jer. StudioMasterPro. He's a big, super-heroey guy. Nice artwork. We're all in awe. Enough."

No, no, it's not like that... it's just that I haven't gotten around to switching it to anything different. I've been busy.


I have! I've done loads of artwork since then. I just haven't posted it. It takes time to put together those little "What's New" features on the homepage. It's not like the book reviews where I've got a template or something.

"What, you can't spare an hour to make it appear to clients that you're actually running a business?"

Look, what do you want from me?

"Just change the homepage, will you?"

I told you--

"Tut! Change it."





Cleaning out the dingy recesses of my closets here at and I unearthed a one-page script attempt that was even too abstract and nonsensical for me. It's been laying around for months, but, what the hey, I've decided to toss it out there. Listen, the title was next to impossible to write about, so what do you expect? Thanks a lot, John Koontz, you big hoser! Thanks for your big, fancy, impossible title! Hope you're happy! Bluegh! It's called Press Ablate when Ready and it gives me a headache.

And to bed.


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