Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Well, we're still not on the internet at the Bear household and my latest rant is against DSL Extreme. First off, they've provided high-speed, high-quality internet access to our home for the past year. Expensive, definitely, but the service has been absolutely terrific.

Unfortunately, their sales and support staff has managed to piss me off enough that I'm switching ISPs. What was originally represented to me ("oh yes, sir, since you're moving we'll have to have you offline for a few days to switch everything over, but you should be up and online within four days, seven at the most.") has been blown to bits. I requested the change order weeks ago, and they've only yesterday gotten around to putting the order into our local phone company, which means at least another week or two until I have access. Not only that, but they've been charging me for all this downtime, even though I requested that service be removed from the old place two weeks ago.

Now mistakes happen and I understand that, but it would have done miracles for my faith in them if they hadn't been so snotty and rude when I suggested to them that they actually follow through with what they originally offered.

"Sir, I don't know who you talked to, but no. Four days isn't realistic at all, nor is seven. It takes weeks."

"Well, that would have been helpful to know ahead of time. Why would whoever it was say it would take four days?"

"Who did you talk to?"

"Uh. Someone in your support department. A guy. I didn't write down his name."

"Well, then I can't help you."

So, I'm switching to Verizon's new DSL service, which is supposedly the hip new thang. Cheaper too, by gum. It's too bad, too. Even a simple "I'm sorry sir, let me look into that" would have made all the difference in the world.

Well, the hate mail has all but petered out. I'm still getting one or two a day, but people seem to have lost interest. I've replied to a few of the notes, but not any of the snippy ones. A couple of the extra creative in the Down with camp have even used my title suggestion form to submit their anger. To be honest, I've been very disappointed with the lack of wit in those particular submissions. Come on, gang! Get with it!

On the other hand, a few folks have been very kind about suggesting organizations that accept donations. A few for bereaved parents and a few others that help out kids with cancer. They're not in front of me at the moment, but I might post a few eventually and I'm definitely looking into some of these. So, thanks to those who wrote in with that stuff.

The new place is still miles from settled, but we're getting there. The bedroom is very close. The office is done. The kitchen and living room are both in pretty dire shape, but we've made some significant strides.

It's funny with packing and unpacking. We unpacked a few boxes that we hadn't opened since our move from Columbus, Ohio over a year ago. Much of it was very embarrassing artwork that I have vague recollections of displaying proudly.

I don't know... old artwork. I really like looking through some of my old sketchbooks from high school because I can at least remember my ham-handed enthusiasm and occassionally remark to myself, "ah, I meant well. And, really, that's not bad for a high school kid." It's the stuff that I did in college that I find the most embarrassing. You know what I mean. Still with all the awkward edges, but by that time I was way too old to be making such amateurish mistakes. Some of the worst pieces are the paintings I did for Carey when we first started dating... oy. She still loves them, of course, but most of them make me want to crawl underneath a rock.

So, great news, I'm about to receive a check for $5,300 from the insurance company, which is much much more than I'd anticipated. That's a pretty tidy down payment on whatever I get next.

Jeez, what should I get next?

But, it's true, we've been sharing a car for the last couple of weeks and it's really starting to chip away at my poor wife's patience. She's had to ask for many a ride of late and she's also had to go to work far earlier than necessary to accomodate my dropping her off on my way to my job in Costa Mesa. I'd really like to rectify matters by getting a car this weekend, but... we'll see.

What should I get?

Lastly, I am getting the emails that you dear folks have been kind enough to send lately... I just haven't had the ability to respond because I can only access the internet from work (where I'm, again, illegally typing this). The word is I'll be set up Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Fingers crossed.


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