Monday, September 15, 2003

Congratulations are in order, I guess, to my wife. She was recently promoted again and... and... I'm not exactly sure how much I can say about it here without her getting upset. In my opinion, her "promotion" and subsequent "raise" is pretty damned insulting (particularly in light of how hard and long she works and the contribution she makes to this company), but, then, I don't pretend to know the ins and outs.

No, scratch that, I do know the ends and outs. Carey's explained them to me in ugly detail and the more I hear, the more outraged I become.

Congratulations, Care. You've been screwed.

And to Carey's place of employment: if you're having trouble appreciating my wife, I'd really like to have her back, please. It's been awhile.

Eh, what else? I'm dreadfully nervous that my musical script is going to turn into something that I wholly didn't intend. Received a call from the director on Friday that said, essentially, "some great stuff in here, thanks! We're doing rewrites on your script and we hope you'll like them!"

"Rewrites? Shouldn't I be doing the rewrites, especially since I, you know, wrote it?"

"Well, yeah, but we felt that some of your stuff could stand to be omitted and we've got some killer jokes that we really want to use."

"Uh. I guess I really didn't see it as a comedy, but... who's 'we'?"

"Me and the choreographer."

"The choreographer? She's helping to rewrite my script? Look, I don't mind if she wants to sit in on a creative meeting, but--"

"No, it's cool, she has a great mind for this kind of stuff."


"It's just the second draft. If you want to give us the final word on our changes at our next meeting to incorporate into a third draft, feel free. We'll just say 'majority rules'. How's that?"


"Next Friday, then?"


Still no car. Apparently, the insurance company sent, certified mail, some necessary forms that I never received. No money yet. Frustrations are abounding. Patience thin. Breathing in. Breathing out.

My sister Erin called yesterday, which I guess isn't all that remarkable... but, for some reason, Erin and I rarely get the opportunity to talk. So, that was nice. She mentioned the possibility of her (and maybe Mom) taking a trip out to see us between Christmas and New Year's, which would be spectacular.

So, maybe we'll use that as a deadline to complete the first phase of some of the Grand Plans we've developed for our new home. Since Carey's not been home in... well, she's never been home, honestly, since we've moved. So, 95% of the workload has fallen on my shoulders, in terms of ship-shaping the condo. Motivation has been low as a result and the place is still a wreck. I always have these grand plans of dropping Carey off at work and flying into a cleaning/organizing frenzy and having a sparkling place ready for her when she returns home. Never really pans out, though, and I've sunk into a wicked pattern of failure and self-loathing.

But, yay, we're homeowners.



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