Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Wait, Pandas?

Quick note: managed another one-page script. This one's Koko Four, title credits to Eric Hiler (who's name sounds suspiciously familiar, but I can't recall why...). Thanks, Eric. No, I can't explain it.

I started these one-page scripts about a year and a half ago... they're beginning to feel very strange and foreign and I'll often hammer one out for obligation's sake. Well, that's not completely true. I do still enjoy them, but I feel as if my cleverness is declining. Every once in a blue moon, I'll go back and read several and invariably think, "did I write that? Is that how I sound?" Folks have told me that my writing... my scripts in particular... have a very distinct voice and it's easy to spot. I'm not sure, though. I look at my stuff and much of it seems awful generic. Maybe I do have a very specific sense of humor.

Am I funny? Am I weird? Am I cookie-cutter? Am I memorable?

Am I worrying about this too much?


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