Thursday, April 15, 2004

As the IRS looms dark and snarling, is here with mundane thoughts and peculiar links.

Stop reading this and mail your taxes in, dude. Seriously, you are really pushing it this year. Haven't you ever heard of planning ahead?

And, bang on cue, just as I start my full-time gig, a couple of freelance calls come in, despite the fact that I've been consistently dry for over a month. Ain't that the way?

Speaking of my full-time gig, it's going okay, I suppose. It's really not much different than my part-time stuff, I'm just here more often. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.

Um, Michael Chabon (who wrote the finest book I read in 2003) has done an interesting, not to mention timely, little essay on... well, censorship, I suppose, but the issues go far deeper. I'm not sure what I think of it. On the one hand, I feel as if he's missing something enormous, on the other hand, I feel as if it might be me who's missing something enormous.

Read it here and tell me what you think.

What else.... oh. Personally, I think this article on eyeball jewelry has to be some sort of elaborate hoax, but, man... I don' t know. Check it out.

And here's some truly incredible Photoshop work. I think it's supposed to be funny, but I'm just impressed with how seamless it is. Someone very talented apparently has oodles of free time on their hands.

Finally, for those who haven't finished off their Easter eggs quite yet, here's a positively hilarious-yet-disturbing story about a church that was truly committed to teaching their congregation what Easter is really about.

I cringe.


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