Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I'd like to say whassup to Pops, sista-in-law, an' alla my newly-engaged niggaz homeboyz. Peace.

First of all, a big Welcome Home to Dad and his wife, Pat, who just returned from a glorious cruise. Just because I feel like spreading the love (though I'm not sure my dad even reads this blogger anymore, particularly after my rant on Republicans a few weeks ago...), here's their picture on the right. Clicky clicky to make it biggy biggy.

Second, a very huge (yet tentative) congratulations to everyone's favorite sister-in-law Kelly Biechler (who I'm positive doesn't read this blogger) on her carrying her fourth little bundle of love. She and husband Jim just found out. Blessings! Blessings! (By the way, I say "tentatively" because, sadly, I've opened my big, fat yap more than once about pregancies that either ended prematurely or were simply not meant to go public yet, forcing a hasty blogger-edit on my part. Here's hoping/praying for a healthy baby, Biechlers. Here's also hoping/praying that you don't mind my spilling the beans.)

Third, congratulations are in order for Kelley Larned, a good buddy who managed to dodge the inevitable over the weekend and actually convinced a lusty young lass to wed him. Her name's Carrie (always a good sign) and they're shooting for November. Kelley, I've rarely seen such a quick turn-around from datin' to fianceein', even in my Grace College days, but good luck. I'd recommend you go ahead and tell her about the flatulence issue now because, dude, she's gonna find out sooner or later.

So, uh, what's up with Bush?

Man, I've been a fan through thick and thin, but what was with that horrid press conference last night? I'm usually content to proclaim "he's a good president, just a bad speaker" but, crap. That's some of the most artless issue-dodging I've ever seen.

Answer the questions, George! Sheesh!

I'm afraid, I really am, that semantics alone are going to lose this election to the spineless spin-doctoring of John Kerry. Personally, I think all of the reasoning behind the apparent flubs and foibles surrounding the invasion of Iraq is legitimately explainable... so why won't he explain it? Gnagh!

"Mister President, in what ways could the War on Terror and/or the invasion of Iraq have been handled better, in retrospect?"

"Well, I believe America will stand behind me. We're gonna stay the course."

"Y-yes, well, I see, but do you feel that any of your critics' opinions are founded? Are there areas that, looking back, could have been improved?"

"America stands for freedom. Freedom for you, for me, for Americans, and freedom for the Iraqi people."

"...I... okay... but, what could have been--"

"We're gonna stay the course. Next question."


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