Tuesday, April 06, 2004

*An Important Announcement*

Well, I've been sitting on this information for over a week, so I guess it's time to spill the proverbial beans.

As of Monday, I'll be putting my freelance business on extended hiatus. Instead, I'll be signing on, full-time, with Binary Pulse Technology Marketing. (You know, the place I've been part-timing for the past year and a half.)

Actually, if you happen to be a client reading this, the no-freelance thing isn't completely accurate. As per my agreement with Binary Pulse, I'm still okay to have my own clients, as long as they don't compete. Nonetheless, I'll be scaling back that work dramatically. BP stuff will take the bulk of my schedule and most of my free time will be grabbed up by my writing/publishing venture.

As for the 'whys'... well, the most immediate reason has to do with Carey's career flux. She's still making up her mind about where to go next and, whatever her decision turns out to be, schooling is in the mix, which could have implications on her current working schedule. Whatever the case, we needed more income to keep our debauched standard of living consistent, and BP managed to extend a generous offer for my full-time commitment.

Besides all that, they're a terrific company. I've had the time of my life with them and I can honestly say that the work I do there plays beautifully to my own interests and strengths (in many cases, even moreso than my freelance endeavors). While I love having my own business, I certainly can't complain about being asked to do character animations, multimedia CDs, Flash presentations, and bombastic illustrations for Playstation 2 games... and that's, in a nutshell, my Binary Pulse job description.

(By the way, my second PS2 piece of cover art is well underway for a late-summer release, woo hoo!)

So, for the forseable future, that's where I'll be. My history with salaried employment has been rocky, but those are too often the breaks in this biz. Anyway, I'm really not very concerned about job security... the company's doing very well and growing very quickly. Rather, I'm excited. BP is still small, but we're becoming a major player in the ad game and it's very cool to be a part of something that's taking off so dramatically.

It's a good thing. I'm looking forward to the months ahead.


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