Wednesday, June 16, 2004


It happened!

Nearly two years of West Coast living and I've finally felt my first earthquake. Not as dramatic or harrowing as I'd imagined, but... I was doing a bit of concept sketch work (for yet another PS2 game cover, no less) when I felt my chair subtly rocking. Not vibrating, really, more like some clever goose nudging me from behind, trying to throw off my drawing, even though I was trying to meet a deadline.

I turned around and no one was there, so I chalked it up to my imagination. A few seconds later, everyone started popping out of their cubes, wild-eyed: "oh, man! Did you feel that?"

Yeah, brother, I felt it!

So that's my first earthquake. Hah.

Picked up the latest CD release from the Beastie Boys yesterday. Not bad, I suppose, but I'm not sure it's my sort of music anymore. In college especially, they were My Group, but I felt slightly foolish tooling down the road last night... me, a paunchy, late-twenties married guy with a receding hairline; listening to a trio of Jewish hip-hoppers in their mid-40s shouting things like "so believe when I say I’m no better than you, except when I rap so I guess it ain’t true".

In general, I dunno, I've been having these "act your age" panic attacks. I'm by no means old, but I'm fast approaching the point where I'm not young anymore either. I've never really had a ridiculously rebellious period in my life and part of me thinks it's a bit of a shame. What if I wanted to dye my hair pink or get a lip piercing? That's never really been my scene, but I think, these days, it's more because something like that would be seen as a desperate attempt to Reclaim a Past that I Never Lived or something.

I've never really been hardcore drunk. I've never tried pot. I've never been to a punk concert or a strip club or even a comedy club with a two-drink minimum. Mostly, I've been to church a lot.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to go trolling for strippers or smoking weed. I'm just saying is all.

Maybe I'll ask the wife what she thinks. After all, the truly hardcore rebels usually rely on spouse approval, don't they?


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