Thursday, December 09, 2004

News & Appeals

Why we're put in this mess
Is anybody’s guess
It might be a test
Or it might not be anything you need to worry about
But if you’re still in doubt
Go and knock yourself out

Erin sent me this article from the Canton Repository (today's front page apparently). I'm told that, last night, the story was all over the local television news as well.

And, in a very strange way, I'm not sure I've ever been prouder of my broken little family.

I was as surprised as anyone to read that Bill has an appeal option open... I thought there wasn't any room for that in the case of a guilty plea, but it looks like he can try to get his sentences to run concurrently instead of consecutively. Felonious assault alone netted him 10 of the 12 years, though, so my guess is he won't be able to get more than a two year reduction, even if his lawyers pull off a miracle.

Um, haven't posted any media stories on the sentence yet, but they're coming.

And since December 8th will always be known as the Day that will Live in Infamy, Mom also closed on her new condo. She'll move in fairly soon. Needless to say, it was a very very big day.


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