Nothing for it, I guess, but a weekly trip to Carey's school to help her out with her Cosmetology credits by allowing her to do what's called a "scalp treatment" on that pate o' mine. I go in the hopes that Father Time will lay his fagotty fingers off me for a little while longer. Will it reopen any hair folicles or am I deluding myself? We'll see.
Anyhow, I sat in her chair at Golden West and she got to work.
CAREY: Put that down, please.
JER: What. It's fine. It's just a hair dryer.
CAREY: I know, but you're not supposed to... Jer, seriously.
JER: Okay, okay. Sorry. I don't see what the big deal is.
CAREY: This is what I do now. It's a tool I use to do my job. I don't come to where you work and start touching your tool.
JER: ...
CAREY: ...
JER: To be continued.
I guess it was inevitable, especially after my pet peeve list a few posts ago, but I'm on MySpace.
About a month ago, I was forced to give in and set up an account to pull a file off of someone's MySpace page and, as of a week or so ago, I've been spotted. I blame Joe, frankly, for he was sneaky and snide enough to blow my cover first. Not that I'm drowning in a wealth of MySpace friends... in fact, a few have found me and I've found a few others.
It's strange, too. I'm fairly savvy on all things internet, but MySpace makes me feel like a luddite. "Inviting" and "bulletin boards" and "my top 8" and all that jazz... I understand it, but, holy frijole, I have no desire whatsoever to acquire the necessary skills to Pimp My MySpace. On the other hand, I've already made contact with a couple of dear friends from days past, so it's not all bad. I can understand why people get addicted.
None of this changes the fact that MySpace is the ugliest corner on the internet and I think that's my hang-up. Not that I've taken full aesthetic advantage of this, but I like Blogger and I've stayed loyal to it for the past, yeesh, 4+ years. Blogger gives you the option of making your page look and behave virtually however you can imagine. With MySpace, you're saddled with ugly no matter what you do.
So, I don't know. I'm not committed to spending vast amounts of time there, but I guess I'm friggin' plugged in. (Hello Cara, Tim, Nicole, Kirsten, Russ, Gregg, Joe, Christy and Allison... you dear people that cared enough to "friend" me.
Oh, and Tom. Mustn't ever, ever forget good ol' Tom, who loved me first and best.)
A few other bits of business before I go:
Keep forgetting to mention this, but October 7th! It's on once again: 24 Hour Comic Day 2006.
It was easily the most brain-beating, ridiculous 24 hours I spent last year, but I guess I'm headed into the fray once more. Believe it or not, I'm easily as nervous about it this year as I was last year, if not more.
So, if you think about it, drop me a line or a note of encouragement, I'll definitely need it.
Oh, and check in on my site for the latest opus on October 8th (or shortly thereafter).
What else? Turns out Cara and I aren't the only ones who are peeved.
Finally, yahoo! I'm in the club:

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